HTML escape and unescape tool help

Settings Remark
Select a method

You can choose between the following methods:
  • escape HTML

    Escapes all special characters in the raw HTML to their HTML character entity equivalents.

    For example:
    ' is replaced with '
    " is replaced with "
    & is replaced with &
    < is replaced with &lt;
    > is replaced with &gt;

    Also escape non ASCII characters in the raw HTML to HTML codes.

    For example:
    À is replaced with &#192;
    ¼ is replaced with &#188;
    测试 is replaced with &#27979;&#35797;

  • unescape HTML

    The HTML unescape tool converts HTML codes back to their original character.

    For example:
    &apos; is replaced with '
    &quot; is replaced with "
    &amp; is replaced with &
    &lt; is replaced with <
    &gt; is replaced with >
    &#192; is replaced with À
    &#188; is replaced with ¼
    &#27979;&#35797; is replaced with 测试