Posted comments (11)

Posted by Musthafa at July 12, 2008 10:35:23 CEST
really nice and cool. provides easy to follow instructions, saves tough surfing of several pages. expects some hints on configuring database as primary repository for user and message body
Posted by Tash at August 7, 2009 17:53:17 CEST
Hi, I have read your quickstart guide on Apache's James on I am trying to deploy James on my personal Windows server 2003. I have the James serveice running as a NT service. But I cannot recieve emails from the smtp service on my personal pc. I send emails from my pc using telnet to port 25 and send it to the private Ip address of my server. I noticed you wrote: "However you can only receive email if it is send and received from within the domain." I would like to know why that is if I have started James as an NT service.

Please Contact me and Thanks for your help.

Posted by Brian at August 22, 2009 00:36:37 CEST

I have James setup (Win XP environment!)very similar to your set up (i used this guide: It retrieves mail from remote domain (via google apps a/c), it sets up user inbox on MYSQL but it wont deliver to the inbox (I can send to it via telnet 25). I have DNS explicitly set. localhost does resolve to the error is always like this in fetch mail logs: ? any ideas much appreciated?

21/08/09 22:49:16 INFO Ignoring recipient header. Using configured recipient as new envelope recipient: red@localhost. Message ID: <[email protected]>. Flags: Seen = false, Delete = false.
21/08/09 22:49:17 WARN Message could not be delivered due to an error determining the remote domain. Message ID: <[email protected]>. Flags: Seen = false, Delete = false.
Posted by Al Tag at January 20, 2010 19:29:35 CET
I'm trying to use james for converting an RFC822 formatted message in a file to text components. I was hoping to just use MimeMessageInputStreamSource amd MimeMessageWrapper to perform the conversion as a utility. Do i need to have James installed and running as a serice for this to work?

And do you know of any sample code for getting out the message parts and attachments?

Posted by Paul at February 18, 2010 12:26:37 CET

I am very new in mailing system. I don't have very clear idea about this.

My case study is to install a mail server(like James) into localhost, send mail to localhost and retrieve mails from the same. As all external network in my office domain is blocked so that it is not possiable for me to test my code for sending mails and fetching inbox out side this network.

From the upper mentioned configuration i am bit confused about the port number on which James server will be running. Because while i am making code using java mailing api, there i should put host like "localhost:1234". Can you please help me to find out this "1234".

Thanks. Btw upper mentioned configuration manual helped lot for installing James server. Thanks once againg for that.
Posted by Fanfan at June 5, 2011 22:02:12 CEST
This is exactly what I needed, thank you VERY MUCH!
Posted by Tony at April 16, 2012 16:59:22 CEST
hi everybody...i did the below settings...than also i am not able to send mail using it...also after adding new users...i am not able to login with that newly added user...requesting you to help.
Posted by Rkm at June 25, 2012 07:56:09 CEST
hi...every body. i m trying to install the james mail server in my win7-OS system as for the instruction but when i execute run.bat file then the bat file console is comes and goes... so,what i do.
Posted by Sri at June 24, 2014 13:12:45 CEST
getting an error like License is Invalid. please provide any solution on this?
Posted by Abdulla Hk at April 4, 2016 08:00:35 CEST

May I know what is blob-transfer and why can't I receive the mails when using thunderbird to send/receive email?

Thank You
Posted by Ankit Aery at July 19, 2016 14:17:25 CEST

I am trying to configure james but getting error as
org.apache.avalon.phoenix.containerkit.lifecycle.LifecycleException: Component named "users-store" failed to pass through the Starting stage. (Reason: org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: destination>>URL).

Can you help me out please.

Thanks in advance!!!!