Posted comments (6)

Posted by Nripa Chetry at July 31, 2008 18:11:31 CEST
Really good
Posted by Ace at December 15, 2008 11:16:46 CET
Excellent stuff
Posted by Peter Rooke at December 18, 2008 13:28:07 CET
Very clear. Well done!
Posted by Pkr at April 17, 2009 12:49:29 CEST
Awesome job thanks a ton
Posted by Kamal at June 16, 2010 12:24:53 CEST
log4j.appender.A4.File=E:/Eclips Work space/Test/src/systemlog.log

this configuration is correct?
logcreate only systemlog.log this file name.
thank you.
Posted by Ajay Mittal at January 4, 2012 13:13:08 CET
Hi all,

Can anybody tell me i want to create a separate log file each time the application is started how can i achieve this.
