Posted comments (3)

Posted by Gabriel Micoud at May 19, 2021 11:49:09 CEST

On the step B4 when i try to create a role and a database for the network server, my password doesn't work. When i type "psql -h localhost -U chirpstack_ns -W chirpstack_ns" and my password, there is a FATAL: password authentication failed for user "chirpstack_ns"

some forums say to change the method to "trust" instead of "md5" but it doesn't work.

Is there a solution for this problem? ^^'

Thank you
Posted by Nelson at July 15, 2021 09:23:34 CEST
My ttn-gateway is not running.
When I run systemctl status ttn-gateway, I got this error
● ttn-gateway.service - The Things Network Gateway
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ttn-gateway.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Thu 2021-07-15 09:32:21 +08; 3s ago
Process: 5094 ExecStart=/opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 5094 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: packets received with a CRC error will NOT be forwarded
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: Reference latitude is configured to 1.352100 deg
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: Reference longitude is configured to 103.819800 deg
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: Reference altitude is configured to 282 meters
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: INFO: Auto-quit after 0 non-acknowledged PULL_DATA
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway ttn-gateway[5094]: ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway systemd[1]: ttn-gateway.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jul 15 09:32:21 ttn-gateway systemd[1]: ttn-gateway.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.

What could be the problem? Is it because I don't plug in the concentrator board?

Also, when I tried to add network server, I got this pop-up error,
context deadline exceeded (code: 2)
and the network server is never created at all.

Do you know why? How to solve it?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Posted by Nelson at August 16, 2021 07:02:07 CEST
I tried to add network server at the web-based GUI.
When I clicked on ADD NETWORK-SERVER after I
At General tab
Keyed in LoRaServer1 as Network-server name
Keyed in localhost:8000 as Network-server server

At Gateway discovery tab
Unchecked Enable gateway discovery

I got the error message
Context deadline exceeded (code: 2)

Have you encountered same problem before? If so, do you know how to solve it?

Hope to hear from you soon.
