Very nice tool however it ranks very well in Google for converting XML to XML.GZ being how I ended up here. I have a crawler that only does the XML but does not compress into gz. Might be nice to have an addition to the website for that?
Worked a treat in the end. Just for other people like me, I used the Pipe limited CSV to XML upload. I had to use TextEdit to change the separator to a pipe, but the real kicker was Excel for Mac's silly syntax, which meant the upload didn't parse beyond line 1. Got there in the end though. Thanks!!!
Posted by James Grove at April 28, 2015 19:10:56 CEST
Hello -
Is there a typo in your URLSET entry? It looks like the schemalocation was pasted twice in a nested fashion.
When I convert a txt file into an xml file, I get: