Author: Robert Lie ( Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (client/server), see The cvs command usages mentioned below were retrived by using command: cvs -H ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs add [-k rcs-kflag] [-m message] files... -b Set the bug identifier (repeat for multiple bugs). -k Use "rcs-kflag" to add the file with the specified kflag. -m Use "message" for the creation log. -r Add onto a different branch. -f Force replacement of deleted files. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs admin [options] files... -l[rev] Lock revision (latest revision on branch, latest revision on trunk if omitted). (DEPRECIATED) -m rev:msg Replace revision's log message. -o range Physically delete (outdate) specified range of revisions: rev1:rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, including rev1 and rev2. rev1::rev2 Between rev1 and rev2, excluding rev1 and rev2. rev: rev and following revisions on the same branch. rev:: After rev on the same branch. :rev rev and previous revisions on the same branch. ::rev Before rev on the same branch. rev Just rev. -p [rev:]prop=val Set global or versioned property. -q Run quietly. -t[file] Get descriptive text from file (stdin if omitted). -t-string Set descriptive text. -u[rev] Unlock the revision (latest revision on branch, latest revision on trunk if omitted). THIS COMMAND IS FOR CVS ADMINISTRATORS ONLY. DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING, AND WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES ARE. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs annotate [-lRf] [-r rev] [-D date] [files...] -l Local directory only, no recursion. -R Process directories recursively. -f Use head revision if tag/date not found. -r rev Annotate file as of specified revision/tag. -D date Annotate file as of specified date. -w width Modify width of username field (default 8). ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs chacl [-R] [-r branch] [-u user] [-j branch] [-n] [-p priority] [-m message] [-a [no]{read|write|create|tag|control|all|none}[,...]] [-d] [file or directory...] -a access Set access -d Delete ACL -j branch Apply when merging from branch -m message Custom error message -n Do not inherit ACL -p priority Override ACL priority -r branch Apply to single branch -R Recursively change subdirectories -u user Apply to single user ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs checkout [-ANPRcflnps] [-r rev] [-D date] [-d dir] [-j rev1] [-j rev2] [-k kopt] modules... -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts. -N Don't shorten module paths if -d specified. -P Prune empty directories. -R Process directories recursively. -c "cat" the module database. -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -l Local directory only, not recursive -n Do not run module program (if any). -p Check out files to standard output (avoids stickiness). -s Like -c, but include module status. -r rev Check out revision or tag. (implies -P) (is sticky) -D date Check out revisions as of date. (implies -P) (is sticky) -d dir Check out into dir instead of module name. -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky) -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev. -b Perform -j merge from branch point. -m Perform -j merge from last merge point (default). -3 Produce 3-way conflicts. -S Select between conflicting case sensitive names. -t Update using last checkin time. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs chown [-R] user directory... -R Change owner recursively ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs commit [DnRlf] [-B bug | -b bug ] [-m msg | -F logfile] files... -b bugid Only commit files related to bug. -B bugid Mark files with bug. -c Check for valid edits before committing. -D Assume all files are modified. -F logfile Read the log message from file. -e Keep edited files. -f Force the file to be committed; disables recursion. -n Do not run the module program (if any). -l Local directory only (not recursive). -m message Log message. -R Process directories recursively. -T Move empty branches (where possible). ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs diff [-lNR] [rcsdiff-options] [[-r rev1 | -D date1] [-r rev2 | -D date2]] [files...] -l Local directory only, not recursive -R Process directories recursively. -D d1 Diff revision for date against working file. -D d2 Diff rev1/date1 against date2. -N include diffs for added and removed files. -r rev1 Diff revision for rev1 against working file. -r rev2 Diff rev1/date1 against rev2. --ifdef=arg Output diffs in ifdef format. (consult the documentation for your diff program for rcsdiff-options. The most popular is -c for context diffs but there are many more). ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs edit [-cflRz] [files...] -A Set ACL on edited file (experimental) -a Specify what actions for temporary watch, one of edit,unedit,commit,all,none -b bugid Bug to associate with edit (repeat for multiple bugs) -c Check that working files are unedited -C Check that working files are up to date -f Force edit if working files are edited (default) -l Local directory only, not recursive -m message Specify reason for edit -R Process directories recursively (default) -w Lock whole file, not just this branch -x Exclusive edit (Stop other users editing this file) -z Compress base revision copies ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs editors [-aclRv] [files...] -a Show all branches. -c Check whether edit is valid on file. -l Process this directory only (not recursive). -R Process directories recursively. -v Show bugs. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs export [-NRfln] [-r rev] [-D date] [-d dir] [-k kopt] module... -N Don't shorten module paths if -d specified. -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -l Local directory only, not recursive -R Process directories recursively (default). -n Do not run module program (if any). -r rev Export revision or tag. -D date Export revisions as of date. -d dir Export into dir instead of module name. -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs history [-report] [-flags] [-options args] [files...] Reports: -T Produce report on all TAGs -c Committed (Modified) files -o Checked out modules -m Look for specified module (repeatable) -x [TOEFWUCGMAReu] Extract by record type -e Everything (same as -x, but all record types) Flags: -a All users (Default is self) -l Last modified (committed or modified report) -w Working directory must match Options: -D Since date (Many formats) -b Back to record with str in module/file/repos field -f Specified file (same as command line) (repeatable) -n In module (repeatable) -p In repository (repeatable) -r Since rev or tag (looks inside RCS files!) -t Since tag record placed in history file (by anyone). -u For user name (repeatable) -z Output for time zone (e.g. -z -0700) -B Containing bug ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs import [-C] [-d] [-f] [-k subst] [-I ign] [-m msg] [-b branch] [-W spec] [-n] [-F] repository [vendor-tag] [release-tags...] -C Create CVS directories while importing. -d Use the file's modification time as the time of import. -f Overwrite existing release tags. -k sub Set RCS keyword substitution mode. -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset, @ to skip .cvsignore). -b bra Vendor branch id. -m msg Log message. -W spec Wrappers specification line (! to reset). -n Don't create vendor branch or release tags. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs init [-f] [-n] [-r remote_root] [-a alias] [-d description] -a alias New repository alias -d description New repository description -f Force overwrite existing repository -r repository Remote repository location (remote init only) -n Do not register repository -u Unregister repository ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs info [-c|-s|-b|-r server] [cvswrappers|cvsignore|config|] -c Describe client (default) -s Describe server -b Browse local servers -r server Examine public information from remote server -v More verbose output ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs log [-lRhtNbT] [-r[revisions]] [-B bugid] [-d dates] [-s states] [-w[logins]] [files...] -B bugid Only list revisions related to bug. -b Only list revisions on the default branch. -d dates Specify dates (D1 -q Quieter output. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs rchacl [-R] [-r branch] [-u user] [-j branch] [-n] [-p priority] [-mmessage] [-a [no]{read|write|create|tag|control|all|none}[,...]] [-d] [module...] -a access Set access -d Delete ACL -j branch Apply when merging from branch -m message Custom error message -n Do not inherit ACL -p priority Override ACL priority -r branch Apply to single branch -R Recursively change subdirectories -u user Apply to single user ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs rchown [-R] user module... -R Change owner recursively ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs rlsacl [-d] [-R] [module...] -d Show directories only -R Recurse unto subdirectories ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs rlog [-lRhtNbT] [-r[revisions]] [-B bugid] [-d dates] [-s states] [-w[logins]] [files...] -B bugid Only list revisions related to bug. -b Only list revisions on the default branch. -d dates Specify dates (D1 Unedit only files related to bug -l Local directory only, not recursive -m Specify reason for unedit -r Revert file only, don't unedit -R Process directories recursively -u Unedit other user (repository administrators only) -w Leave file writable after unedit -y Force unedit of modified file ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs update [-ACPdflRpbmt] [-k kopt] [-r rev] [-D date] [-j rev] [-B bugid] [-I ign] [-W spec] [files...] -3 Produce 3-way conflicts. -A Reset any sticky tags/date/kopts. -B bugid Perform -j Merge bounded by bug. -b Perform -j merge from branch point. -C Overwrite locally modified files with clean repository copies. -c Update base revision copies. -D date Set date to update from (is sticky). -d Build directories, like checkout does. -e[bugid] Automatically edit modified/merged files. -f Force a head revision match if tag/date not found. -I ign More files to ignore (! to reset). -j rev Merge in changes made between current revision and rev. -k kopt Use RCS kopt -k option on checkout. (is sticky) -l Local directory only, no recursion. -m Perform -j merge from last merge point (default). -P Prune empty directories. -p Send updates to standard output (avoids stickiness). -R Process directories recursively. -r rev Update using specified revision/tag (is sticky). -S Select between conflicting case sensitive names. -t Update using last checkin time. -W spec Wrappers specification line (! to reset). ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs version -q Just display version number. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs watch [on|off|add|remove] [-lR] [-a action] [files...] on/off: turn on/off read-only checkouts of files add/remove: add or remove notification on actions -l (on/off/add/remove): Local directory only, not recursive -R (on/off/add/remove): Process directories recursively -a (add/remove): Specify what actions, one of edit,unedit,commit,all,none ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs watchers [-lR] [files...] -l Process this directory only (not recursive). -R Process directories recursively. ******************************************************************************* Usage: cvs xdiff [-lNR] [-o xdiff-options] [[-r rev1 | -D date1] [-r rev2 | -D date2]] [files...] -D d1 Diff revision for date against working file. -D d2 Diff rev1/date1 against date2. -N include diffs for added and removed files. -R Process directories recursively. -l Local directory only, not recursive -o Pass extra options to xdiff -r rev1 Diff revision for rev1 against working file. -r rev2 Diff rev1/date1 against rev2. (consult the documentation for your xdiff extension for xdiff-options.