Generate Dutch bank account numbers and Dutch citizen service numbers, help

Setting Remark
Account number prefix range Allowed prefix values: 1 - 99999.
If you leave the start and end prefix fields blank, this option is disabled.

This option can only be selected if you generate bank account numbers with 9 or 10 digits. The purpose of this option is to generate bank account numbers where the first few digits of the account number begins with the start prefix value and this value will be incremented until the end prefix value is reached.

For example:

All generated bank account numbers must have 10 digits and must pass the Eleven test.
Start prefix: 1235
End prefix: 1245

Generated bank account numbers:

1235 649202
1236 340914
1237 447739
1238 996043
1239 751311
1240 605927
1241 025517
1242 129294
1243 226587
1244 809489
1245 570943