CSV to XML converter

Settings Remark
Upload CSV file The CSV file must be an ASCII file. Only files with file extension .txt can be uploaded and the maximum file size is: 100 KB.

The values in the CSV file must be separated by a delimiter, for example a comma.

For example:

Values aaa and eee are located in column 1, which will be referred by replacement marker [%1%] in the XML template.
Values bbb and fff are located in column 2, which will be referred by replacement marker [%2%] in the XML template.
Values ccc and ggg are located in column 3, which will be referred by replacement marker [%3%] in the XML template.
Values ddd and hhh are located in column 4, which will be referred by replacement marker [%4%] in the XML template.

For example:

Dancing queen, ABBA, 1
Nine million bicycles, Katie Melua, 3
Mercy, Duffy, 2