Online RSA key generation help

Settings Remark
Generate prime numbers (p,q) The prime numbers (p) and (q) are generated and placed in the textboxes below.

The bitsize of both prime numbers depends on the selected key size.
The key size is the same as the modulus (n) bitsize.

Depending on the selected key size:
  • Key size = 128 bits:
    The prime numbers (p) and (q) will have a bitsize of 64 bits each.

  • Key size = 256 bits:
    The prime numbers (p) and (q) will have a bitsize of 128 bits each.

  • Key size = 512 bits:
    The prime numbers (p) and (q) will have a bitsize of 256 bits each.

  • Key size = 1024 bits:
    The prime numbers (p) and (q) will have a bitsize of 512 bits each.

  • Key size = 2048 bits:
    The prime numbers (p) and (q) will have a bitsize of 1024 bits each.
The generated prime numbers are converted into the encoding scheme of your choice if you select "Prime number (p) is a" or "Prime number (q) is a":
  • binary
  • decimal
  • hexadecimal
  • base64
If your data needs to be securely transmitted over the web you must use an RSA key size of at least 1024 bits or more.