Savings annuity calculator with graph help

Settings Remark
Future Value (FV) The future value (FV) is a stream of equal payments made at regular intervals over a specified period of time at a given interest rate.

The amount may contain max two digits after its decimal point.
The amount entered may contain a comma (,) or a point (.) as a decimal point separator.
Do not use the thousands separator in the amount.

Correct entered amounts

Incorrect entered amounts

FV = PMT * ((1 + R / N)N * T - 1)          or          FV = PMT * ((1 + r)N * T - 1)
R / N r

FV = N * T * PMT + I = A + I
r = R / N

FV = Future value
I = Interest amount
A = Total payment amount
R = Nominal interest rate per year (as a decimal, not in percentage)
r = Interest rate per period (as a decimal, not in percentage)
T = Time period in years
N = Number of compounding periods in one year
PMT = Periodic payment amount, paid at the end of each payment period