Online SEPA XML message generator for business payments orders and direct debits orders help

Setting Remark
ID ordering party Enter the ID ordering party also known as Creditor Identifier (CI).
Max 35 characters.

The Creditor Identifier (CI) has been created to allow debtors as well as debtor banks to return to the creditor for refunds and complaints and to check the existence of a mandate.

The following is a general structure for the Creditor Identifier:
  • Position 1-2 filled with the ISO country code.
  • Position 3-4 filled with the check digit according to ISO 7064 Mod 97-10.
  • Position 5-7 filled with the Creditor Business Code, if not used then filled with ZZZ.
  • Position 8 onwards filled with the national identifier of the Creditor.

Austria: AT97ZZZ01234567890
Belgium: BE68ZZZ0123456789
Cyprus: CY97ZZZ123A
Estonia: EE43ZZZEE00012345678
France: FR12ZZZ123456
Germany: DE97ZZZ12345678901
Greece: GR97ZZZ12345
Ireland: IE97ZZZ123456
Italy: IT97ZZZA1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8
Luxembourg: LU27ZZZ0000000000123456789
Malta: MT50ZZZ670169305T
Netherlands: NL97ZZZ123456780001
Portugal: PT97ZZZ123456

More information:
Creditor Identifier Overview