Motorola J2ME SDK Version 1.0

To install Motorola J2ME SDK Version 1.0, you need to use the J2SE SDK, version 1.2.2_011.

The Motorola J2ME SDK Version 1.0 has both the Emulator 7.2 and Emulator 7.5 release included.

The Demo\Scripts directory contains batch files that are useful for compiling one or more of the supplied demo MIDlets in the SDK. Make sure you use the Java 1.2 compiler. When you execute batch file "makeAll.bat" with a Java 1.4 compiler you get the error message:

Error preverifying class xxxxxxxxxxx
Class loading error: Illegal constant pool index

To use the Java 1.2 compiler, change the system environment PATH settings or change the batch file "makeOne.bat" e.g.:

D:\tools\java\jdk1.2.2\bin\javac -O -bootclasspath ....
D:\tools\java\jdk1.2.2\bin\jar uf ...

Under Emulator 7.2 the following profiles are provided: Under Emulator 7.5 the following profiles are provided: The Motorola J2ME SDK Version 1.0 contains several batch files to test your midlets for each of the above mentioned profiles. Download motorola.bat, which does the same.

The Motorola J2ME SDK Version 1.0 can be downloaded from: