The C Library Reference Guide


[ # | __ | _ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W ]
Table of Contents

#if Preprocessing Directives
#define Preprocessing Directives
#elif Preprocessing Directives
#else Preprocessing Directives
#endif Preprocessing Directives
#error Preprocessing Directives
#ifdef Preprocessing Directives
#ifndef Preprocessing Directives
#include Preprocessing Directives
#line Preprocessing Directives
#pragma Preprocessing Directives
#undef Preprocessing Directives


__LINE__ Preprocessing Directives
__FILE__ Preprocessing Directives
__DATE__ Preprocessing Directives
__TIME__ Preprocessing Directives
__STDC__ Preprocessing Directives


_IOFBF stdio.h
_IOLBF stdio.h
_IONBF stdio.h


abort() stdlib.h
abs() stdlib.h
acos() math.h
asctime() time.h
asin() math.h
assert() assert.h
atan() math.h
atan2() math.h
atexit() stdlib.h
atof() stdlib.h
atoi() stdlib.h
atol() stdlib.h
auto Identifiers


break Statements
bsearch() stdlib.h
BUFSIZ stdio.h


calloc() stdlib.h
ceil() math.h
char Identifiers
clearerr() stdio.h
clock() time.h
clock_t time.h
const Identifiers
continue Statements
cos() math.h
cosh() math.h
ctime() time.h


difftime() time.h
div() stdlib.h
div_t stdlib.h
do Statements
double Identifiers


EDOM errno.h
enum Identifiers
EOF stdio.h
ERANGE errno.h
errno errno.h
exit() stdlib.h
exp() math.h
extern Identifiers


fabs() math.h
fclose() stdio.h
feof() stdio.h
ferror() stdio.h
fflush() stdio.h
fgetc() stdio.h
fgetpos() stdio.h
fgets() stdio.h
FILE stdio.h
float Identifiers
floor() math.h
fmod() math.h
fopen() stdio.h
FOPEN_MAX stdio.h
for Statements
fpos_t stdio.h
fprintf() stdio.h
fputc() stdio.h
fputs() stdio.h
fread() stdio.h
free() stdlib.h
freopen() stdio.h
frexp() math.h
fscanf() stdio.h
fseek() stdio.h
fsetpos() stdio.h
ftell() stdio.h
fwrite() stdio.h


getc() stdio.h
getchar() stdio.h
getenv() stdlib.h
gets() stdio.h
gmtime() time.h
goto Statements


HUGE_VAL math.h


if Statements
isalnum() ctype.h
isalpha() ctype.h
iscntrl() ctype.h
isdigit() ctype.h
isgraph() ctype.h
islower() ctype.h
isprint() ctype.h
ispunct() ctype.h
isspace() ctype.h
isupper() ctype.h
isxdigit() ctype.h


jmp_buf setjmp.h


L_tmpnam stdio.h
labs() stdlib.h
LC_ALL locale.h
LC_COLLATE locale.h
LC_CTYPE locale.h
LC_MONETARY locale.h
LC_NUMERIC locale.h
LC_TIME locale.h
ldexp() math.h
ldiv() stdlib.h
ldiv_t stdlib.h
linkage Identifiers
localeconv() locale.h
localtime() time.h
log() math.h
log10() math.h
long Identifiers
longjmp() setjmp.h


malloc() stdlib.h
MB_CUR_MAX stdlib.h
mblen() stdlib.h
mbstowcs() stdlib.h
mbtowc() stdlib.h
memchr() string.h
memcmp() string.h
memcpy() string.h
memmove() string.h
memset() string.h
mktime() time.h
modf() math.h


NDEBUG assert.h
NULL time.h string.h stdlib.h stdio.h stddef.h locale.h


offsetof() stddef.h


perror() stdio.h
pow() math.h
printf() stdio.h
ptrdiff_t stddef.h
putc() stdio.h
putchar() stdio.h
puts() stdio.h


qsort() stdlib.h


raise() signal.h
rand() stdlib.h
RAND_MAX stdlib.h
realloc() stdlib.h
register Identifiers
remove() stdio.h
rename() stdio.h
return Statements
rewind() stdio.h


scanf() stdio.h
scope Identifiers
SEEK_CUR stdio.h
SEEK_END stdio.h
SEEK_SET stdio.h
setbuf() stdio.h
setjmp() setjmp.h
setlocale() locale.h
setvbuf() stdio.h
short Identifiers
sig_atomic_t signal.h
SIG_DFL signal.h
SIG_ERR signal.h
SIG_IGN signal.h
SIGABRT signal.h
SIGFPE signal.h
SIGILL signal.h
SIGINT signal.h
signed Identifiers
SIGSEGV signal.h
SIGTERM signal.h
signal() signal.h
sin() math.h
sinh() math.h
size_t time.h string.h stdlib.h stdio.h stddef.h
sizeof Identifiers
sprintf() stdio.h
sqrt() math.h
srand() stdlib.h
sscanf() stdio.h
static Identifiers
stderr stdio.h
stdin stdio.h
stdout stdio.h
strcat() string.h
strncat() string.h
strchr() string.h
strcmp() string.h
strncmp() string.h
strcoll() string.h
strcpy() string.h
strncpy() string.h
strcspn() string.h
strerror() string.h
strftime() time.h
strlen() string.h
strpbrk() string.h
strrchr() string.h
strspn() string.h
strstr() string.h
strtod() stdlib.h
strtok() string.h
strtol() stdlib.h
strtoul() stdlib.h
struct Indentifiers
strxfrm() string.h
switch Statements
system() stdlib.h


tan() math.h
tanh() math.h
time() time.h
tm time.h
TMP_MAX stdio.h
tmpfile() stdio.h
tmpnam() stdio.h
tolower() ctype.h
toupper() ctype.h
typedef Identifiers


ungetc() stdio.h
unions Identifiers


va_arg() stdarg.h
va_end() stdarg.h
va_list stdarg.h
va_start() stdarg.h
vfprintf() stdio.h
void Identifiers
vprintf() stdio.h
vsprintf() stdio.h


wcstombs() stdlib.h
wctomb() stdlib.h
wchar_t stdlib.h stddef.h
while Statements