3D Studio Max

3D Studio Max (3dsmax) is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering tool.
It is owned by Autodesk, an United States (San Rafael, California) based company.

More information about 3D Studio Max can be found at: http://www.autodesk.com/3dsmax/
Note: A free 30 days trial version can be downloaded from the Autodesk site.

Some 3D Studio Max forums:

Create a bowl (using boolean operation).

This guide is based on 3D Studio Max 7.

  1. Draw a sphere.

    3DSMax 7: Select geometry.

    • Select in the Create panel: Geometry button.
    • Press button: Sphere
    • In the Keyboard Entry rollout, enter:


      3DSMax 7: Keyboard entry.

    • Press Create button

  2. Remove the top part of the sphere.

    • In the top viewport, draw a Box which completely hides the top part of the sphere. In the perspective view it should look like this:

      3DSMax 7: Ellipse.

    • Select in the Create panel: Geometry button.

      3DSMax 7: Select Geometry.

    • Open the pull down menu and change "Standard Primitives" into "Compound Objects".
    • Press button: Boolean

      3DSMax 7: Boolean

    • With boolean operations you can do several actions, here an explanation:
      • Union: When this operation is selected the box and sphere are merged into one object.
      • Intersection: When this operation is selected ONLY the overlapping part remains. In our example the top part of the sphere will remain.
      • Subtraction: The FIRST operand object will be displayed minus its overlapping part

      Before you continue make sure, operand A is assigned to the Box.
    • Select operation: Subtraction (B-A)
    • Press button: Pick Operand B
    • Select the Sphere in the perspective view.
      Note: Operand B is assigned to the Sphere.
    • The result of the boolean operation is showing only lower part of the Sphere.

      3DSMax 7: Sphere lower part

  3. The next step is to hollow out the half sphere.

    • In the top viewport, right click on the half sphere to display a quad menu.

      3DSMax 7: Right click on half sphere to display menu

    • Select menu: Convert To: | Convert to Editable Mesh
    • Again, right click on the half sphere to display a quad menu.

      3DSMax 7: Right click on half sphere to display menu

    • Select Polygon.
    • The top surface of the half sphere changes color.
    • Select the Left viewport and maximize its view by clicking on the "Maximize Viewport Toggle" and "Zoom Extents" in the viewport navigation controls at the lower-right corner of the screen.

      3DSMax 7: Maximize Viewport Toggle and Zoom Extents

    • Open the Edit Geometry rollout.

      3DSMax 7: Expand Edit Geometry

    • By using the spinners next to Extrude and Bevel buttons the half sphere can be "hollowed" out.

      3DSMax 7: Bowl perspective view

      3DSMax 7: Bowl left view

  4. The last step is to make the bowl smooth.

    • Select the bowl in the perspective view.
    • Select menu: Modifiers | Subdivision Surfaces | MeshSmooth

      3DSMax 7: Modifiers

    • Press F10 to render.

      3DSMax 7: Bowl rendered